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social network marketing

Social Network Marketing – The Next Big Wave

Social network marketing is quickly becoming one of the best techniques to earn income online today. Some people are making substantial incomes, while others are getting nowhere with their efforts. There are several things you should know about social network marketing before you enter that crowded market, that will increase your success.

Social Network Marketing Systems

You should keep an eye on your competition all of the time and follow the “successful” people that are in the same form of business, spy on them if you like, but find out what they do that makes them successful.

You’ll find that the most successful people are on all of the popular social sites all of the time. Social networking is a very hands-on, every day business requiring many hours of interaction and learning.

It’s not like having a stand alone website. The word “social” means what it is saying.

You may encounter the same successful people on social networking sites consistently. Because it is a “social” platform, it needs constant attention. It is the complete opposite of having an internet website. The word “social” means interacting with others.

After you enter the arena of social networking, nobody knows who you are, so part of the strategy is to build your online personality, engage with other people continually, i.e. Be friendly. You can’t mix your personal life with your business life, when starting social networking on Facebook you should make a page for your business, and keep this totally separate. Be friendly… be personable… talk about your real world experiences… but don’t let your hair down completely.

Photos of you at a party with a beer in your hand, and comments from your buddies about how great the party was, isn’t going to do you any favors if they are mixed in with your business promotions. Make sense? Very few people will buy something from you, if they think that all you do is party each night. (Unless of course your product or service caters that market.) The key is, keep your business and private life separate, brand yourself, even though you may end up feeling a bit schizophrenic.

Video Social Network Marketing

There are billions of hits on videos each and every day on YouTube, it is one of the most well liked social media marketing platforms today, and many people make enormous incomes from posting videos, so it is essential that you learn how to make good videos that ideally show you in them. If you hate being in front of a camera you can do voice over screen shares but I would strongly encourage you to just get used to being on camera. If you do not understand how to make a video, don’t let that stop you. It is simple to learn and you probably already have most of the equipment you need. If you have a smart phone you are ready to begin recording high quality videos. There are also many web sites that give directions – video marketing has become so important nowadays, both on social media sites, blogs and websites.

It’s just like in the old days of face to face marketing, when people went out and stood in malls, or invited people over to their place for Tupperware parties, when people see you, like and trust you, then they will buy from you.

Social Marketing is Simply Attraction Marketing

Even if you post an image of yourself somewhere, make sure you’re smiling! Hiding behind a Gravatar will do nothing for personal branding.

Obviously in social media people need to begin to know you and what makes you tick. If you do promote your business via social media sites, you can expect to encounter people who want to socialize too much, and you’ll have to learn to be polite to keep those diversions to a minimum. Of course , this is how you hope to earn your income, so you need to keep your personal socializing separate.

There’s an art to social network marketing, and remember you do this to generate qualified leads. You are practicing attraction marketing. Think about those leads. Think about branding yourself.

You aren’t socializing here as such, you are building a business.

After you master the art of social network marketing, you will be in a position to create leads on demand and thousands of dollars in commissions, and you also will be able to enroll more people to your opportunity each week than through most other methods.

For more in depth training on Facebook and YouTube, click the links below.

Facebook Traffic Course Instagram Traffic Course YouTube Traffic Course

About The Author

Jeff Atkins is a TOP 1% Network Marketing Professional who helps struggling networkers create time and financial freedom to live a happier, more fulfilling life by teaching the fundamentals as well as how to create online systems that generate an endless supply of qualified prospects eager to follow them in their MLM.

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