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mlm leaders

MLM Leaders – What They Know That You Don’t?

Do all successful MLM leaders know something that others do not? Are there certain insider methods that only the heavy hitters know which haven’t been made public?

Guess what?? They don’t have any secrets and there isn’t any hidden society. There is, however, one trait that MLM leaders do have in common and that is their mind-set… the entrepreneurial spirit.

How did they get where they are now?

First, they treat their business like a business.

They don’t consider their business to be a pastime or something they joined on an impulse. They treat their new business like a million dollar investment, even it if only cost $500 to get started.

They’re entrepreneurs… plain and simple… and the secret is they are are devoted, persistent and they never give up.

Most people don’t plan to fail they fail to plan.

These entrepreneurs start their enterprises with a plan in mind. They are deliberate and are not wandering aimlessly about. They set out with a conspicuous goal and they work gradually toward that goal. Their goals are practical, they understand that setting unrealistic goals can only end in disappointment and failure.  In short, they plan their work then work their plan.

They are tenacious and work really hard and do whatever is necessary to achieve the success they desire.

Building a successful network marketing business can take many years and while these top producers may have tried company after company with little to no success, they knew that if they could find the right one for them, they could make it.

So they endured… Despite the percentages… Despite the problems.

MLM leaders work extremely hard. Many of them say they telecommute, but also frequently spend many days away from home.

Most of them like to give the impression that they do not work terribly hard, when actually they eat, live and breathe their companies.

MLM leaders will spend lots of their time recruiting and sponsoring because they know this is the only true way to make money. Just mull it over. The company can only make a profit by moving product, accordingly the more folks you have in your downline promoting and selling products and also inducting others to do the same, the more money you can make.

Are you capable of become an MLM leader? Naturally you tell yourself that you do… But think about this.

Have you got the determination to invest your time and spend perhaps five years building a business? Are you dedicated enough to commit time every day toward promoting and moving your business forward? Are you willing to invest your money in learning new skills and setting up systems to recruit new reps and train them once they are signed up?

So what is your ultimate goal? Do you even have any goals? Have you written them down a chartered your plan? Have you thought about how you’re going to push your business and also train lots of people who will in effect look up to you as a leader.

What happens if the company you’ve selected to work for all of a sudden goes into Chapter 11? Have you thought about what you will do then?

The true MLM leaders are the entrepreneurs who will expand a business whatever the odds. The word failure is not in their dictionary. They understand that promoting is the most vital aspect of success. They present and promote their business proposition every day, each week, and could have planned a schedule for a year ahead. They know that by becoming a leader they are responsible for masses of other people’s success, and that isn’t a responsibility to be regarded lightly.

So do you have what it takes to be a leader, and can you shoulder that kind of responsibility?

Master trainer Eric Worre of says their are three kinds of distributors in Network Marketing… There are Professional, Amateurs,  and Posers… Very few are Professionals… Looking back through my 23 year career in Network Marketing I see that most of that time I was a poser or amateur at best… Having failed in at least 19 different companies… Then I DECIDED to become a professional and it made a world of difference.

If you are ready to become a Network Marketing Professional I highly recommend reading Eric’s book Go Pro as well as checking out the link below to learn how to generate leads online for your MLM business.

Start Generating FREE Leads Online Today

About The Author

Jeff Atkins is a TOP 1% Network Marketing Professional who helps struggling networkers create time and financial freedom to live a happier, more fulfilling life by teaching the fundamentals as well as how to create online systems that generate an endless supply of qualified prospects eager to follow them in their MLM.


  1. Hi Jeff,

    Love your brutally honest sharing about the past failures!

    I failed miserably in my first year, did network marketing as an amateur for a few years before realizing that it should be treated as a serious business opportunity!

    Having gone through so much, I cannot agree more about the importance of a DECISION. As my mentor mentions, from the firm decision to success, it typically take 18 months. However, for some people, it may take them years before they make that FIRM decision to be successful.

    Great sharing, Jeff!

    With Appreciation,

    Viola Tam

    • Thanks Viola… great point… I’ve heard it said that there is the day YOU get into the business and the day the BUSINESS gets in you… When you finally make the decision that you are going to do WHATEVER IT TAKES, the actions you take over the next 12, 24, or 36 months can be LIFE changing… 🙂

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